Why creativity matters. It is not simply for entertainment.

Why creativity matters. It is not simply for entertainment.

Creativity is the underpinning of evolution.


If you examine any species; Their ability to thrive, or simply survive, comes from the ability to solve problems that are unique to their specific time, place, environment, and genus.


funny man in gorilla suit evolution problem solving

What does solving problems have to do with creativity?


Simple! There is no problem solving without creativity.  By definition, a problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome.  And if we know something well enough, there is a good chance that it would indeed be welcome.  Therefore, in order to solve a problem we must often step outside of what is known; In essence be creative.



Do we always have to be creative to solve problems?


Yes. And No.


Let me explain.  For instance, if you know a solution to a problem requires a specific formula, one may not think using that formula is creative.  HOW did you know to try or to use that formula?  How do we know that solved the actual problem?  Do you see the inherent process?


Creativity comes in many forms.


Analytics, art, and adaptations are just some of the ways that creativity manifests itself.


At Charlotte Creative Media we pride ourselves on our ability to get creative in all forms; To solve our clients challenges or problems, and to deliver something that elevates or transcends the status quo.


We’ll help you not only survive, but thrive on your journey!

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